Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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Chagiga 23

The Gemara on Amud Bais says that we consider coals of Hekdesh that are put into a utensil as one unit and if tamai touches one coal all the rest of the coals are also Tamai.

Tosfos points out that this connotes that when you put the coals in a utensil they are actually Hekdish. However, the Gemara in Yuma seems to say they're not Hekdish. (The Gemara says that daily they filled up coals (for the Ketores) in a four Kav utensil and poured it into a three Kav utensil. They swept the extra Kav into a stream. If they were Kodesh we wouldn't destroy them.) How do we reconcile this?

One answer is that since there is an extra coals that don't need to be Kodesh in this utensil, it doesn't make it Hekdish. Our Gemara refers to Yom Kippur where they filled up the utensil once and brought it in filled.

Alternatively, that even though the original utensil makes the coals Hekdishh, but only the amount that Hekdish needs. The extra Kav that eventually falls out is not Hekdish.

Alternatively, the original utensil that scooped up the coals were not Kodesh, so it doesn't sanctify what's in it.


Chagiga 23

The Gemara on Amud Bais says that we consider coals of Hekdesh that are put into a utensil as one unit and if tamai touches one coal all the rest of the coals are also Tamai.

Tosfos points out that this connotes that when you put the coals in a utensil they are actually Hekdish. However, the Gemara in Yuma seems to say they're not Hekdish. (The Gemara says that daily they filled up coals (for the Ketores) in a four Kav utensil and poured it into a three Kav utensil. They swept the extra Kav into a stream. If they were Kodesh we wouldn't destroy them.) How do we reconcile this?

One answer is that since there is an extra coals that don't need to be Kodesh in this utensil, it doesn't make it Hekdish. Our Gemara refers to Yom Kippur where they filled up the utensil once and brought it in filled.

Alternatively, that even though the original utensil makes the coals Hekdishh, but only the amount that Hekdish needs. The extra Kav that eventually falls out is not Hekdish.

Alternatively, the original utensil that scooped up the coals were not Kodesh, so it doesn't sanctify what's in it.


Welcome to the start of our new line of e-books

Did you ever want to learn Tosfos? This is your chance.


We are very proud to announce the beginning of our line of e-sefarim.  This is edited (unlike my regular posts.)  We start our Gemara and Tosfos series with the beginning of Mesechta Sukka. This innovative book will help you with its clear and concise explanation of the dialogue of both the Gemara and Tosfos. It is a beautiful  integration of the Gemara and Tosfos  so that it really flows well. 


Even those who already have the skills to learn Tosfos will find this book helpful, especially if he doesn't have the time anymore to learn it by himself. 


This is a first in a long series, and B'ezras Hashem we'll spread out to other Torah topics as well. We do not write any fluff, only real quality Torah.


Please read the sample   to see if the style and format is for you. This is a printable pdf file, for a kindle format, click here.  Dedications for this book and for upcoming books are available. If interested, please e-mail me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


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