Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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Chagiga 26

The Gemara has a Hava Amina that only a wooden utensil is secondary to its plating if the plating is "standing" and the Shuchon's plating was not "standing." Therore we consider the Shulchon as a wooden utensil.

Rashi explains "standing" as if you nailed it in well to the utensil. Tosfos explains that they didn't attach the plating to the Shulchon. Tosfos explains that they had two gold molds that surrounded the wooden Shulchon. This is similar to the Aron that was a wooden box between two gold ones.

Tosfos gives another explanation to "standing" that the platingwas thick and heavy that can stand by itself without the wood holding it up. That only if it was plated by such a material do we say that the wood is secondary to it. This is similar to the case of the Braisa of the marble plated table that the marble is free standing. However, the Shulchon's plating was too thin to stand by itself so we should say that the plating is secondary to the wood

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Chagiga 25

The Gemara says that there was no processing Kodesh in Galil since there was no way to transport them to Yerushalayim without becoming Tameh. Since there was a strip of Kusi land (that is Tamai) between them.

Tosfos asks: The Para Aduma needs to be made in Yerushalayim. Therefore, how then can they transport Para Aduma ashes to the Galil? 

Tosfos answers that there was a very small path that they can trnasport a vile of ashes. However, it was too narrow that you can't transport a considerable volume of oil and wine without becoming Tamai.

Tosfos asks: How can the people of Galil go to Yerushalayim for Yom Tov? They would need to have seven days to become Tahor (since they traveled over that Kusi land.) Tosfos question remained unanswered.

Tosfos Project

Chaggiga 24

The Gemara says that they trusted the Am Ha'aretz's produce not to be Tumah for Hekdosh all year and for Trumah only at the time for olive pressing.

Rashi explains that in order to trust the produce for Hekdish the Am Ha'aretz needs to sanctify it at the time of the press where he's believed in all produce. Tosfos says that this is logical. How can it be regular produce the rest of the year and we consider it Tamai and when he  sanctifies it the Tumah comes off?

However, Tosfos says an alternative explanation. That even if he didn't sanctify it at the press, since he the fear  to make Hekdish Tamai and he's more careful with it.

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