Tuesday Nedarim 51


If someone makes a Neder from "the pickled" he refers only to pickled vegetables. If he makes it from "the cooked" or from "the roasted" he refers to meats only. If he says from "the salted" he refers only to fish"

However, if he makes a Neder from "pickled (or cooked or roasted or salted) that I will eat" he refers to any type in that category.

The Ran has two ways of explaining the difference between the first  cases and the last. The first way he learns that since he prefaced the word with "the" he refers to a specific type, the most prevalent. The last case where he doesn't say "the" so he refers to general category which includes all.

Alternatively, the second case he says an extra phrase "that I'll eat" teaches us to add more than we originally assumed. Therefore we include all that's within its category.

Then the Gemara has a Shaila: how about if he says "D'Kavush"etc.

Ran learns the question according to his first explanation: is the inference of a "Daled" in the beginning of a word is the same as a "Hey" (to mean "the" and only mean a specific food) or not.

He then explains according to the second explanation: Is it exact that you need to add an extra phrase "I'll eat" to include all types of food in that category, or does it mean it even if he says the word "Kavush" by itself. (We only say it refers to the most usual case only if he says a "Hey" before it.)