Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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The question posed in the last post, as to whether the Mitzvah of destroying Chametz is an action of destroying it physically or if the Mitzvah can be Mikuyim passively by not possessing any Chametz, is dependent on the Machlokes regarding the time the Mitzvah is performed. The Rambam says that the Mitzvah of destroying Chametz must take place before the time that Chametz is forbidden
. It would seem that according to him, the Mitzvah of Tashbisu starts when all the Chametz should already have been destroyed and the time of Issur of Chametz has occurred.
Rashi says the Mitzvah of destroying Chametz consists of  announcing that the Chametz is null and void (Bitul).  Tosfos argues that the Mitzvah of Tashbisu starts only after the time Chametz is forbidden, and at that time the Chametz is no longer in a person's possession to be Mivatel. (Even though the Chametz does not technically belong to anyone as is considered worthless, the Torah still considers it in a person's possession regarding the prohibition of owning Chametz.) Therefore destroying Chametz would not be considered Bitul.  Tosfos concludes that the Torah commands that whatever Chametz is left at the time of Issur must be destroyed. However, Rashi can hold like the Rambam that the Chiyuv of destroying Chametz comes before the time of Issur.


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