Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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When we consider the nature of the Mitzvah to destroy Chametz (Tashbisu), do we understand the performance of this Mitzvah to actually mean that destroying Chametz is necessary to fulfill the Mitzvah? Or can the Mitzvah be performed in a more passive sense, so even if there is no Chametz in a person's possession, the Mitzvah can still be Mikayim.

The Nafka Mina is if it is really necessary to possess Chametz and destroy it in order to be Yoitze the Mitzvah, or if there is no Chametz, does one need to go obtain some in order to be Yoitze the Mitzvah? So if there is no Chametz in one's possession, can there be a Keyim in the Mitzvah without doing anything further?

What if someone grabs another person's Chametz and burns it, is he Chayiv to pay five gold coins (the fine for taking away someone's Mitzvah)? If the Mitzvah is performed only by destroying the Chametz, the person grabbing has performed the owner's Mitzvah and is thus obligated to pay the fine. But if the Mitzvah is just not having the Chametz, the grabber hasn't done another person's Mitzvah and the original holder of the Chametz would be Mikayim the Mitzvah himself by not possessing Chametz.

Could someone say that by eating Chametz on Pesach he was Yoitze the Mitzvah of Tashbisu? If the Mitzvah is to actively destroy it, then he did an Aveira when he was destroying it and it's a Mitzvah Habah B'Aveira and therefore he was not Yoitze. However, if the Mitzvah is just not to possess Chametz, then the Mitzvah of Tashbisu is not done accomplished while eating it, rather, after it's gone the person was passively Mikayim the Mitzvah. Therefore, there is no Mitzvah Habah B'Aveira and he's Yoitze the Mitzvah.

Another difference to help understand this Mitzvah is if Kavanah is needed to be Yoitze the Mitzvah. If it is a Mitzvah requiring an action, then it needs Kavanah while doing it. If it is a passive Mitzvah, then you may not need Kavanah.



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