Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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In general, one is not allowed to do business with unkosher food. If the food comes into a person's possesion, it is permitted to sell it, however, it is prohibited L'chatchila to purchase it in order to sell. Regarding this Issur, there is a Machlokes Rishonim whether it's considered an Issur D'oraisa or it's Midarabanan(, the reason being that maybe it will be eaten accidentally).


Even when the Issur is Torah based, if the item is not designated to eat, it may be bought and sold. For this reason, it is permitted to buy horses and donkeys. Although they are unkosher, they are not bought to eat, but to be worked. The same reasoning can be applied to Gid Hanashe. It is tasteless and inedible, and since it's main designation is not to eat it as food, one would be allowed to do buissness with it.



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