Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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The Gemara in Chulin states that normally Issurim do not need to be eaten
all at once to be Chayiv. To be Chayiv, Issurim must be eaten within the
time frame of "K'dai Achilas Pras."   Still, for someone to transgress
eating a Kazayis of Aver Min Hachai, he needs to eat it in one swallowing.
The Torah here wants to tell us that the whole Issur of Aver Min Hachai is a
Chidush since even inedible parts of the limb, like the bones and sinew,
combine to make the Shiur of Kazayis.  Now, since we don't want to make the
Chidush even greater than what the Torah tells us, it's enough that we
Michayiv him if he ate it in one swallowing and not "K'dai Achilas Pras."
The Minchas Chinuch applies this logic to the case of Gid Hanashe.

Since we
Paskin that Gid is tasteless, the Torah presents us with a Chidush
prohibiting eating an inedible item.  As a result one is required to eat a
Kazayis of Gid in one swallowing and you can't combine what was eaten to fit
the time frame of "K'dai Achilas Pras".
On a separate note, the Pri Megadim wonders what would be the Halacha when
eating a half Kazayis of Gid. Usually we say that even a partial Shiur is
forbidden from the Torah, since it could be combined to make a complete
Shiur. However, in the case of Gid, since you're only Chayiv if you swallow
it at once and cannot combine it with anything that will be eaten
afterwards, maybe the Torah would permit it.  Or do we say the reason for
prohibiting eating the Gid is not based on the premise of combining Issurim
later on to make a Shiur, but rather, since in this eating you might combine
the eating with enough Gid to become Chayiv.
The Shaagas Arye takes the first view and concludes you have not
transgressed a Torah law for having less than a Shiur of Chametz (the same
would apply to Gid) in your possession, since there is no combining what you
had one moment to what you have in a later moment.


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