Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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Human Gid Hanasha

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The Halacha states that the mitzvah of Gid Hanashe is prohibited only with regards to Kosher animals. We Paskin according to R' Shimon who interprets the Torah regarding Gid Hanashe to include only permissible (kosher) animals in this Issur, but would exclude all forbidden animals.

The Mishna L'Melech quotes the Rashba who holds that humans are included in the prohibition of Gid Hanashe. He holds there is no inherent Torah prohibition for human flesh (though it is rabbinically prohibited), therefore the Gid would have the same prohibition as Kosher animals. It should be noted that the Rashba here is being consistent with the halacha stated above and that the determining factor in his conclusion is based on the status of the meat (kosher or non-kosher).

However, the Rambam holds that there is a Torah prohibition against eating human flesh. The reasoning for this is that the Torah enumerates all the Simonim for those meats that are edible (an Asei) and that all other meats, such as human flesh, are prohibited and cannot be eaten. Therefore, the RamBam concludes that since human meat is prohibited from the Torah, the human Gid does not acquire the prohibition associated with the Gid of Kosher animals.



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