Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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The Rambam Paskins that a Goy is not allowed to perform a Mila, but if he
does, B'Dieved it's good, and the child doesn't need a Hatafas Dam Bris.
The Minchas Chinuch asks why does the Rambam need to Paskin that
L'Chatchila a Goy cannot do a Mila? According to the Kreisi Uplaisi that
holds that a father cannot honor someone else to do the Mila, but only
make him his Shliach to do the Mila. If that is so, then anyway he can't
appoint a Goy to do the Mila. There is no Slichus by Goyim. Therefore the
father needs to appoint a Jew to be his Shliach.
Even if the father is not around and the Mitzva falls on the rest of Klal
Yisrael to do. Therefore any Jew can do it without being made a Shliach.
Yet, this doesn't include a Goy, therefore there is no situation that the
Goy can be appointed to do the Mila.
(But according to the T'vuas Shor that a father cannot make someone a
Shliach, rather he can honor someone else to do it, there is no question.
The Rambam needs to tell us that you shouldn't honor a Goy to do the
Mila, since L'Chatchila a Jew should do it.)


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