Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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If a half Eved that had a son, whether he's considered his son from his free side to be obligated to give him a Mila would depend on whether his free side could make a Kiddushin, as we already went through by P'ru Ur'vu.
(In Gittin 43a the Gemara poses the question: could a half and half person make Kiddushin for his free half or do we look at the whole person and he's not someone who's able to make Kiddushin. Tosfos there says that if his children are Miyuches to him depends if he can make Kiddushin. If he can make the Kiddushin, then his kids are Miyuches to that part that can make the Kiddushin. But if we view him as a whole as not a complete person to make Kiddushin, then he's not a complete person that his kids could be Miyuches to him either.)
  If a Jew had a son with his half Shifcha, which the kid is a half Eved, the father is obligated from both sides. He's the father of the free side and the master of the Eved side. If she's someone else's Shifcha, they would both be obligated in it. They would make both Brachos, Asher Kadish Yedid MiBeten and L'Mol Es HaAvadim.


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