Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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Does an Eved have an obligation to give himself a Mila? According to Tosfos that says it's a Mitzva Asei SheHazman Grama, so the Eved is not obligated, just like a woman. Even according to the Ritva, only if your doing the Mitzva on someone else would we say he might be obligated. But here, the Mitzva is on himself, so it's like all other Mitzvas Asei SheHazman Grama which he's exempt from.
But the Turei Evan has a different approach.
You can't call a Mila a Mitzvas Asei SheHazman Grama, since you're continuously obligated in the Mitzva. Though at night you can't do the Mitzva, since as soon as the morning comes along you still have an obligation to do the Mila, it's considered as continuous.
This is not similar to regular Mitzvas Asei SheHazman Grama, like Shofer, that the Mitzva ends after that day. Though there is a Mitzva next year, that is a totally different Mitzva. Last year's Shofer can never be made up . But by Mila, it's a one time Mitzva that stretches on forever until you fulfill it. So the Turei Evan would hold that Avadim are obligated to give themselves Mila.


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