Limud Torah

with Rav Chaim

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Yevamos 33

The Gemara gives the case that a Kohain becomes Tamia and becomes blemished at the same time is when he cuts his finger off with a Tamai knife.

Tosfos deals with the problem that both doesn't happen at the same time. The knife makes him Tamai at contact and he's not blemish until he cuts off the whole finger. So Tosfos explains that we refer to a case where the finger was already cut and was hanging on by the smallest amount. Therefore the contact of the knife also immediately severs the finger, rendering him a blemished Kohain.

Rabbi Chaim Smulowitz 

If you ever though that Tosfos was beyond you. Think again. A few more free copies of Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 2a-11a is still available 

Yevamos 32

 R' Shimon holds that one Issur doesn't compile on a different Issur. Hence if  Reuvain marries a woman (and she is now Ussur to Shimon because she's his brother's wife.) Then Shimon married her her sister, she doesn't have the Issur of being his wife's sister. It cannot take effect since the original Issur of being his brother's wife is upon her.

The Gemara asks: If so,if Reuvain dies, why can't Shimon do Yibum to his wife? (After all, she is only Usser for being his brother's wife just like all Yevamos.)

The Gemara answers that the Issur of being his wife's sister hovers over her waiting if the other Issur falls off it will take effect. So even if the Issur of being his brother's wife would fall off he cannot do Yibum since another Issur would take effect,  therefore the original Issur remains.

Tosfos asks: if so, it comes out that the wife only has the Issur of being the wife's brother on her. Therefore we should allow Shimon to do Yibum on her Tzara since the first wife has no more Issur on her than any other wife, the Issur of a brother's wife. In order to exempt a Tzura she needs to have another Issur Ervah on her.

Tosfos answers : the only time that the Issur of a brotehr's wife doesn't exempt from Yibum is only one that would fall off to permit Yibum. Since this Issur doesn't fall of, therefore it remains an Ervah that exempts the Tzara. 

Rabbi Chaim Smulowitz 

If you ever though that Tosfos was beyond you. Think again. A few more free copies of Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 2a-11a is still available 

Yevamos 31

The Gemara said they decreed to write the date on a slave's document.

Rashi explains this to mean a slave's sale document. Tosfos asks, if so, the could have asked from a document for selling land. Furthermore,  the nrabbis never  made a decree to date  those documents. So Tosfos explains that the Gemara refers to documents of freeing slaves. You need to have a date to know when he had a Halacha of a slave and when he had a Halacha of a regular Yisrael regarding when he was permitted to marry a Jewish woman.

Rabbi Chaim Smulowitz 

If you ever though that Tosfos was beyond you. Think again. A few more free copies of Gemara and Tosfos: Sukka 2a-11a is still available 
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